
Showing posts from October, 2020

Impulse Control: For Overeating And Other Vices | Dr. David Seaman

  Everyone knows that a lack of impulse control is why people overeat and indulge in other unhealthy vices. The problem for most people is that they do not understand the nature of the pleasure-driving impulses…that is, where the impulses come from and how to modulate their power, so the impulses are less compelling. Instead, most people “feel” and “believe” that they “are” the impulses and so rather than fighting the impulses, most indulge. The especially difficult challenge with food is that we need it to survive. That is, we cannot live without food. In contrast, one can live without infidelity, drugs, over-drinking, and gambling, which is why most people are able to avoid these vices. Food is more problematic because we need it to survive and now in the modern day, an excess amount of calories are everywhere we go in our “obesogenic” environment, so it is not surprising that most people are overweight or obese. To over come eating and other vices, we need to understand the natu...

Stop Your Joints, Muscles, And Bones From Rotting | Dr. David Seaman

Chronic inflammation is a popular topic today, but do people really understand what it is? And the answer is… NO. For this reason, I wrote a new book entitled The DeFlame Diet to Stop your Joints,Muscles,and Bones from Rotting. What is chronic inflammation? It is a low-grade, non-healing state that, over time, leads to tissue and organ degeneration. In common language, this means that your body is literally “rotting”. My new book outlines the biological rotting process as it occurs in body fat, arteries, joints, muscles, tendons, bones, spinal discs, obese body fat, and the nervous system, which leads to chronic pain, heart attacks, and depression. In this book, you will learn that all of these conditions are promoted by the same pro-inflammatory diet, which means that The DeFlame Diet should be applied to all of these conditions. The DeFlame Diet can be vegan, omnivore, and even carnivore. It can be Paleo or ketogenic. This means that the goal of any diet should be to normalize inflam...