The Game Changer's Brutal Lies

More than likely you have heard about, or watched, a propaganda movie called The Game Changers. Many people have asked me about it and wanted my take on it. I reluctantly watched it because I figured it was just another propaganda hit piece on meat…and I was not surprised by the fact that it was absolutely a hit piece. What did take me a little by surprise were the brutal lies that were told. In this article, I will focus on two of the brutal lies, which should help you put the rest of the foolish movie into perspective.
If you did watch The Game Changers, you should remember the hamburger study, which was cited twice by James Wilks in a disingenuous fashion. First, he claimed that eating a single hamburger will increase inflammation by 70%. Second, he stated that eating a single hamburger will reduce blood flow by 27%.
The first thing that you should know is that the title of the burger article was shown for just a split second at 28:30 and is easily missed in the video if you were not interested in retrieving the article. I had to re-watch and pause it to actually see title of the article, which is:
Li Z, Wong A, Henning SM, et al. Hass avocado modulates postprandial vascular reactivity and postprandial inflammatory responses to a hamburger meal in health volunteers. Food Funct. 2013;4:384-91
Not only was the title of the article barely shown, Wilks also NEVER mentioned that avocados were included in the study. So, unless you decided to pause the movie and try to figure out the title of the article, you would never know that you were lied to. Read more...

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